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受电机系徐伟教授邀请,波兰University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz (TLSB University) Jacek F. Gieras 教授和南非University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) David G. Dorrell教授来访华中科技大学,并分别做客“携手电气精英,与未来同行”系列讲座第360期和第363期。Gieras教授于2019年11月25日上午在电气大楼A220会议室为师生做了《应用于超高速地面交通系统的直线电机》讲座;Dorrell教授分别于11月27日和28日上午在电气大楼A220会议室为师生做了《具有工程实用化的先进能源系统》和《现代储能系统》2次讲座。
Jacek F. Gieras is a Full Professor with University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz (TLSB University). He received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Machines) in 1975. His area of expertise includes Power Electrical Engineering, Energy conversion and generation, Electromagnetic field theory, Aircraft electric power systems and components, and Electromechanical actuators. From 1971 to 1998, he pursued his academic career at several Universities worldwide, including Poland (PP, ATR), Canada, Jordan, South Africa and Japan, and so on. Since 1998 through 2017, he has been affiliated with United Technology Corporation (UTC), USA, since 2005 with UTC Aerospace Systems Applied Research. Prof. Gieras authored and co-authored 13 books, over 250 scientific and technical papers, 81 US patents, over 100 US patent publications and 17 European patents.
David Goerge Dorrell is a Professor of Electrical Machines with the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), a Chartered Engineer in the UK, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow. Prof. Dorrell received his Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Cambridge, UK, in 1993. Then he taught and conducted scientific research at Robert Gordon University, University of Glasgow, University of Reading, and the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Since January 2017, he has served as the Director of the Eskom EPPEI Specialization Centre on HVDC and FACTS, UKZN. His research interests include the design and analysis of electrical machines, renewable energy generation and renewable energy systems. He has won the BRIC Award in China and Brazil and the Newton Award in the UK. To date, the publication includes 256 sci papers, with a total of 3,548 search citations and an H index of 41.